Other services

Disability action plans and disability policies

Do you want to implement meaningful disability access policies?

If you are writing a disability action plan or disability management plan for your organisation, we can help you develop access policies that make a real difference.

Disability access training

Do your employees want to learn more about access?

We can tailor disability access training sessions and workshops to meet your needs. Our training sessions are interesting and interactive, with a focus on the benefits of good access design. Most sessions cover topics such as: building and planning law, the Building Code of Australia (BCA), access standards and performance solutions.

Public accessible events

Do you need to organise an accessible event?

It’s a good idea to make your event accessible to everyone – and we can tell you how.

You can apply access standards to create an event that everyone enjoys. For example, we can provide advice about temporary car parking, pedestrian paths, ramps and toilet facilities.

When you make your event more accessible, you also reduce the risk of disability discrimination complaints and negative publicity.

Disability home modifications

Is your home in need of an ‘access makeover’?

If you want to make your home more accessible, we can help.

Home modifications don’t have to meet current access standards, but the standards can be applied to ensure your renovation meets your needs.

Your situation is unique, so we meet with you to fully understand your access requirements. We also explain how access standards can be applied to get the best results. For example, many Australian Standards can be used to design paths, ramps, doors, corridors and bathrooms for people who use a wheelchair.

When you apply these standards at the design stage, you also reduce the risk of costly rectification works down the track. For example, a ramp that’s too steep or doorways that are too narrow.

We can review your plans and provide our recommendations. We can also work with your designer and builder along the way to make sure your access requirements are met.

Expert witness for disability access

Do you need to settle a legal dispute about disability access?

We can provide you with legal opinions and expert witness reports to help settle legal disputes. Our expert advice has often been used to settle claims before they escalate to court proceedings.