Why us?

With extensive experience in the building industry, you can rely on our advice

We’ve been involved with all kinds of building projects and learnt how to make access work.

Con Livanos, the business owner, is the only accredited member of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia (ACAA) who is also a registered and qualified building surveyor in Victoria. He thoroughly understands the building legislation framework and can help you get the approvals you need.

We explain your obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

You need to understand relevant disability discrimination legislation and the associated risks for every project.

These issues are important, so we give you clear and practical advice to ensure you meet your obligations.

We see opportunities

Many people see access as yet another step in the design process, but we see opportunities to improve the end result.

Some projects face real challenges when it comes to access design. That’s why we work with you until we find the best solution. Because when buildings have good access, they cater for everyone, including people with disability, the elderly, people with prams and people with temporary injuries.

Put simply, it’s a good idea to have good access.

We think about the big picture

At Think Access, we take the time to understand your project – inside and out. We ask the right questions and highlight important issues early in the design process. This reduces your risk of costly rectification works, or litigation, in future.

We produce high quality reports

Our reports get straight to the point. We don’t just quote sections of legislation – we clearly explain your options and our recommendations.

At Think Access, we value your business. That’s why we provide high quality reports and advice at competitive prices.